My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns and of Sacred Songs and Solos
By Ira D. Sankey soloist for D.L. Moody
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 1
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 2
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 3
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 4
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 5
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 6
Ira D. Sankey's Life story part 7
Ira D. Sankey's Stories of Gospel Hymns and of Sacred Songs and Solos
Abide with meAll hail the power of Jesus name
All the way my saviourleads me
All to Christ I owe
Almost persuaded
A mighty fortress is our GOD
Are you coming home tonight
Arise my soul arise
Art thou weary
A shelter in the time of storm
A sinner forgiven
Asleep in jesus
A song of heaven and homeland
At the cross
Awake my soul
Beautiful river
Beautiful valley of eden
Blessed assurance
Blest be the tie that binds
Call now
Close to thee
Come believing
Come great deliverer come
Come sinner come
Come unto me
Come unto me and rest
Come ye disconsolate
Dare to be a Daniel
Dark is the night
Depth of mercy
Evening prayer
Even me
Follow on
Free from the law
Go bury thy sorrow
GOD be with you
Guide me o'thou great Jehovah
Hallelujah tis done I
Hallelujah what a saviour
Hark tis the voice of angels
Hear the call
He knows
He leadeth me
Here am I send me
Hiding in thee
Hold the fort
Hold thou my hand
I'll go where thou would'st I should go
I love to tell the story
I need thee every hour
In the secret of his presence
It is finished
It is well with my soul
I've found a friend
Jesus I will trust thee
Jesus lover of my soul
Jesus loves even me
Jesus loves me
Jesus of nazareth passeth by
Jesus saves
Jesus saviour pilot me
Just as I am
Knocking Knocking
Lead kindly light
Let the lower lights be burning
Let the saviour in
Missionary hymn
Moment by moment
More love to thee o christ
More to follow
Must I go empty handed
My ain countrie
My country tis of thee
My faith looks up to thee
My Jesus I love thee
My mothers prayer
My prayer
Nearer my GOD to thee
Near the cross
No hope in Jesus
None of self and all of thee
Not half has ever been told
Nothing but leaves
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Not now my child
O child of GOD
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O GOD our help
Oh to be nothing
Oh what are you going to do
One more days work for Jesus
One sweetly solemn thought
On Jordan's stormy banks
Only a beam of sunshine
Only a step to Jesus
Only remember by what we have done
Only trust him
Onward christian soldiers
Out of the shadowland
Pass me not
Peace be still
Precious promise GOD hath given
Pull for shore
Rescue the perishing
Rest for the weary
Ring the bells of heaven
Rock of ages
Safe in the arms of Jesus
Saved by grace
Saviour like a shpherd lead us
Saviour more than life
Saviour visit thy plantation
Scatter seeds of kindness
Shall we meet
Shall you shall I
Singing all the time
Something for Jesus
Sometime we'll understand
Stand up for Jesus
Sun of my soul
Sweet by and by
Sweet hour of prayer
Sweet peace the gift of GOD'slove
Take me as I am
Take time to be holy
Tell it out
Tell me the old old story
Ten thousand times ten thousand
That will be heaven for me
The anchored soul
The child of a king
The christians goodnight
The cross of Jesus
The eye of faith
The gate ajar for me
The half was never told
The hand writing on the wall
The harbor bell
The king is coming
The light of the world is Jesus
The lily of the valley
The mistakes of my life
The model church
The morning land
The ninety and nine
There is a fountain
There is a greenhill far away
There'll be no dark valley
Theres a light in the valley
The shining shore
The smitten rock
The solid rock
The sweet story of old
The wonderous cross
Throw out the lifeline
Till he come
Tis midnight
Today the saviour calls
To the work
Trust and obey
Trusting Jesus that is all
Under his wings
Verily verily
Waiting and watching for me
Welcome wanderer welcome
We shall meet by and by
We shall sleep but not forever
What a friend we have in Jesus
What must it be to be there
what shall the harvest be
When Jesus comes
When the mists have rolled away
Where is my boy tonight
While the days are going by
Whiter than snow
Who so ever will
Why not tonight
Windows open toward Jerusalem
Wonderful words of life
Work for the night is coming
Ye must be bornagain
Yet there is room
Yield not to temptation