Wednesday, during pre-prayer, our zone (about 20 people) had the opportunity to pray over a 9 month old baby who'd been hit in the head by some metal flying through a windshield a few weeks ago. She'd had a fractured skull in three places, and had been through several surgeries.
The main problem now was that she couldn't see out of the front of her eyes. She could see peripherally. Earlier that day during the prophecy workshop with Wes & Stacey, we'd broken into groups and asked the Lord to speak. God had confirmed the gift of prophecy and several things related to that, but one specific word was that the Lord was going to use me to minister to children and see them healed. So faith began to stir in my heart that the Lord was going to heal this baby. I shared it with the rest of the team and we began to pray. The girl had been with her father and then went to her mother. I was standing right next to her mom. In my heart, I'd been asking the Lord to show us if she'd been healed. She turned her head and looked at my namebadge straight on and reached out and grabbed it and stuck it in her mouth and began to chew on it. The doctor confirmed it the next day that her eyesight was now fine!
One thing that really sunk into my heart last week is that God really does want to heal people and He wants to use us! I used to be concerned about praying for people and nothing happening, but God's removed that fear. I love praying for people for healing now, because whether they are healed or not, they'll get a fresh taste of the compassion of Jesus for them.