God is still moving mightly in Brownsville. Just Thursday night we had a neat thing happen. Our music director, was still singing, but the praise team had stopped. The church was still filled with people being prayed for, and seeking God. As he sang another strong male voice joined him. He could not see who it was, but was so deep in the Spirit, he kept on singing. In a second another strong male voice joined him. Almost instantly the people were on their faces, praising the Lord because the power of God had so filled that place!! Many times angels have been seen in the Sanctuary, but this is the first time that we have heard them sing. They said (I was not there rats it all!) that it was the most beautiful music they had ever heard. It was wonderful.

Friday night we did not even get to the preaching. A young woman stood up to give her testimoney. God had turned her life around 180 degrees, and had given her the gift of intercession. (As she spoke, she shook so much she could barely hold the microphone.) When she began to tell how, during the altar calls, she could feel the hurt that God felt, the Spirit of God fell. The altars filled up, and people were weeping all over the church. It was like no other service we have had yet! (You never know what to expect... there is never a dull moment!!)

We have also began to see some healings. One woman, who has diabetes, had a terrible sore on her foot. The doctors told her that if it did not get better soon they would have to take her foot. She came down one night for prayer, did alittle bit of "carpet time" and went home. The next day when she went to change the bandage the sore was all gone except for a very small spot in the midddle. I am just waiting for her to come back and say that she is healed from the diabetes! I know there is nothing too hard for God.