Zhibo District is quite prosperous and there were many nominal believers. But most of them were of the "Jesus Family" group, or related to the Northwest Evangelistic Band. They were all very conservative, old fashioned and backward. They even didn't have water baptism or communion, and the leaders were opposed to everything relating to the Holy Spirit. We went there to teach them the truths of baptism, communion, tithing and so on. In other words, we must preach the Full Gospel.

The leaders were adamantly opposed to clapping our hands, speaking in tongues, raising hands and so on. We knew this so we didn't do any of the above. We just simply preached the Gospel to them. After preaching, the Holy Spirit mightily fell on all the people there, and they all began to fall on the floor speaking in tongues, and many began to clap their hands and dance. The Lord did it, not us. Before they said we prayed too loud and it was a heresy and due to evil spirits. But then they themselves began to do the same.

When we go to these places where there are dead bound Christians, we do three things only: (1) Preach the baptism of Spirit (2) preach the simple Gospel (3) teach them to love one another and build the church. Unfortunately many of the older ones in these churches don't hunger for present truth. One reason may be because the power of the Three Self church is still quite strong. However we must continue to go there to teach and preach.

Lastly, I will tell you about the need for Bibles. I just mentioned about the 52 churches in Liaocheng District in Shandong. Each church had an average of 800-1000 people. However when we visited we only had 400 Bibles to give to these people. In many parts of Shandong there are only 400-500 Bibles for 4,000-5,000 believers. Please pray much for us.