Now there is a crisis in our church. The crisis is that so many new converts are coming in that we don't have enough workers. In Xinyang District in the period of one month the numbers of converts grew 10 fold. Previously there were a little over 1,000 believers, and after one month there were over 10,000 believers. We have had to send some workers from Fangcheng to teach these people.
Our ministry vision: The Bible says in The
Gospel was preached around the world, and China was the last major
nation to receive the Christian message in the last century only. Now we
have been given the burden to continue to preach the Gospel through
Central Asia, into Russia, throughout the Arab and Muslim world, and
eventually to Jerusalem. Many have been called to such foreign
missionary outreaches and we are anxious for the day we can do this.
However in the immediate future we plan to take the Gospel to every part of
the nation of China. Now have workers in 20 provinces. We have 14 major
teams, one with 78 people, and sub-teams under teams. There are many
smaller teams of several workers only. All together we have several tens of
thousands of workers somehow related to us. But we have had the 14 major
teams and this past New Year we set up two new teams that are starting to
operate in Shanxi Province. We get requests to set up leadership ministry
teams all the time, but don't have the finances or sufficient trained
workers now.
There are about 2,700 major cities and districts in China, and by the end
of three years we plan to have a Gospel team of several preachers in each
and every one of these locations. However we need your support to obtain
this goal. We need at least 8,000 workers, and now have 3,000-4,000 trained
workers. Therefore we need to train 4,000 more workers that this goal can
be met. We must conduct more training sessions.
Our goal is to enter each province and district and first contact the house
churches to preach on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, praise and worship.
Everywhere we go they accept our message, for it is indeed the Word of God
and present truth. We will then work with the local churches to evangelize
the lost in their areas. We will reach them before the Mormons do.
The need for Bibles is desperate. Don't believe the Amity Foundation or
Three-Self-Church Propaganda. Chinese don't believe them when they say they
will provide Bibles for the Chinese. We have been lied to by them too much.
After our Gospel Month, there have been so many conversions, that many
still don't have any Bible or Testament. When we receive your Bibles, we
distribute them to other provinces first, so our own people are denied the
first choice of these precious books.
Please also pray for support for the travel expenses of our evangelists. It
is 5 days and night to Xinjiang on the train, and tickets to any location
in China are so expensive. Our people tithe, but the tithe is not enough to
meet these expenses. In addition to support of evangelists, we use funds
given us to help the families of those in prison, families with too many
children which are persecuted by the government and those who have other
special needs. We cannot officially run an orphanage, but we take in
children and give them to Christians to raise that they may serve the Lord.
These children must be sent to school, which costs money, otherwise they
will grow up without an education or culture, and it will hinder their
Christian testimony.
We also are starting works in many of the larger cities. We have a church
in Zhengzhou that is growing, however the preacher we sent there was
arrested two weeks ago and is still in prison. Even so, we know that many
in the army and government are converting to Christ. This includes many
judges, lawyers, military men, teachers, intellectuals, businessmen,
students, etc.