In Zhoukou a brother was gifted with a gift of healing and in the Gospel month alone he healed 26 deaf people. Another man who was healed was born with severe mental deficiency and was considered an "idiot." He was really dumb, but after prayer his facilities were completely restored. In fact God gave him a brilliant mind, excellent speech, talents and the ability to express himself that everyone was amazed. He was previously considered a very stupid man, and after this amazing healing 83 people believed in the Lord.
Previously during our open air meetings, few people would pay any attention. Now everywhere when we go out with our tambourines and other instruments to share Christ, crowds of people stop everything they are doing to attend our meetings. As we preach many cry out, "We have never heard such good news in all our lives. Why is that nobody has told us this good news before?" The people forget about all their plans and activities and remain for hours to listen to the Gospel. It is truly the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in our midst.