Anne, age 49, was healed of advanced stage of Parkinson's disease November 28, 1996 at Trinity Music City, Hendersonville, Tennessee. She felt strongly impressed by the Holy Spirit to attend the Renewal Meeting led by Randy when she saw the announcement in the paper. Having never heard of Randy or of the Toronto Blessing she simply felt impressed of God to go to the meeting and have Randy pray for her.

During the meeting Randy asked those who wanted healing to go up to the balcony area because there was so little room down in front, and the invitation he had just given was for young people to enter the ministry. Once at the balcony Anne told her husband who was helping her that she wanted to go down to the front, that she felt God had told her to have Randy pray for her. Her husband, helped her back down to the front.

When Randy saw her he could tell that there was something seriously wrong with her. She told him that she did not want to live any longer if she had to live the way she was. Randy noticed that her right hand was shaking very badly. She told him she had Parkinson's disease. It had been diagnosed seven years earlier when she was 42 years old. She was not able to be a wife to her husband, and the disease was destroying all her relationships. She couldn't even hold her new 10 month baby because there was fear of dropping him due to her shaking. She hurt all over her body, and she had problems with memory loss.

Randy prayed for her a few seconds when she fell to the floor. When she did he noticed that all her shaking instantly stopped. He asked her husband if this was normal. His response was that she shook every moment she was awake, but not when she was asleep. Randy thought that perhaps the affects of being slain in the Spirit was similar to sleep. However, in a few moments Randy noticed that her eyes were open. Anne laid on the floor for several minutes with no one praying for her while Randy was praying for a couple of young people who had come up to him for prayer. However, he couldn't get Anne out of his mind. So he went back down to the floor where Anne had fallen.

Randy began to pray for Anne, for God to heal her. When he did this she began to yell out, "It hurts, oh, oh, oh, it hurts. I can't stand anymore. My head it hurts." Randy said, "God don't listen to her. Keep on sending your healing power. I command this pain to leave in Jesus name. Lord heal her." Then after a short while Randy went to her husband and asked him, "What happens to someone with Parkinson's disease?" He was told by her husband that by the time you are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease you have already lost 90% of the gray matter that gives you control over your motor skills; that there are 800,000 of those cells in the front part of the brain in the gray matter area. Randy then told him, "She doesn't need a healing then she needs a creative miracle. But, when Jesus raised Lazarus God had to create all new cells for every part of his body." He knelt beside Anne and began praying, "Lord, I call those things that are not as though they were. I ask you for 1/2 million new brain cells, I ask you Lord for 800,000 new brain cells. I ask you for a creative miracle. Father, I call those things that are not as though they were." Randy continued to pray this way for some time. He asked Anne, "What is happening?" She said, "I don't feel anything; I don't hear anything. Jesus is here, Jesus is here." Then his faith shifted. He knew that a creative miracle was occurring. He called for Anni (His worship leader's wife who had been weeping on the way to church with desire to witness personally a powerful healing.) to come to pray with him. They continued to simply bless what God was doing.

After about 15 minutes more Anne began to lift her right hand that had been so shaky before the prayer began. It was no longer shaking. She turned it over and over in front of her. While laying on her back she kept admiring her hand which was no longer shaking. She then began to take her index fingers and touch her nose with large half circle moves of the arm. Her husband, said, "Do you know what she is doing? She couldn't do that because of her disease. She hasn't been able to do that for some years." Anne continued to make these moves for several minutes.

After almost an hour on the floor she got up. When she was on her feet she told her husband, "I swallowed while lying on the floor." This was significant because she had not been able to swallow except by sipping through a straw. She then went with Randy to the stage to give a testimony. Her husband went with them. While on the stage she told how that this disease had destroyed her life. She had lost much of her short term memory. Seven years earlier while playing the piano she suddenly couldn't remember one chord, and ran out of the large meeting totally embarrassed. Then she began to lose control of her muscles. She needed help to walk. She even had begun to lose control of her bladder and bowels. Her life had become a living hell.

Then Anne stomped the floor with strength, turned and grabbed her husband's hand with her formerly weak shaking hand, now strong and under her control. Anne yelled, "Look, I squeezed my husband's hand. And I am going to go home and hold my 10 month grandson. My children won't believe what has happened to me." Then she asked if we had a piano on the stage. We told her there was and she went to the electric keyboard and began to play, "He Touched Me".

Anne and her husband stayed for 2-3 hours more before going home. They sang and she played the piano for the remaining ministry time. She had not been able to play the piano for seven years.

The next day Anne went back to her doctor. When he saw her and heard her testimony he shouted to the glory of God. He was so happy for Anne. He confirmed that she definitely had been healed.