The grace that saved me has been sufficient to keep me

In visiting the 'testimony' site often for encouragement I
enjoy the reports of the Lord's faithfulness.
Sadly though I find we often wait to report of his faithfulness a
little too long. We need to share of our God's victory in trials as well as
at the completion of them. This is what is on my heart to do here and

I was saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in the winter of 1994.
At that time I was 26 years old, married and a mom of 2 children. My
marriage was failing and I had plans to divorce. I unexpectedly became
pregnant and was forced to consider abortion in order to be able to
continue working so that I could be financially stable. Well I just couldn't
stomach the thought of yet another abortion.(I had previously had two.)
Instead of an abortion and a divorce, God stepped in and administered
grace and truth and saved me.

Since that time I have been blessed with five children (for a total of
seven). I have been in a trial for eight years.It has been a most
dreadful situation. Because the Lord revealed that it is not his will that I
divorce, I have remained married (14 years now). My husband has never
been faithful. He is a kind, sweet guy who is also a loving father and a
good provider.

The Lord through this trial, has humbled me, strengthened me in faith,
and taught me godly, sacrificial love.
My husband is not yet serving the Lord but is being brought under the
loving influence of our gracious Heavenly Father.
I do not wish to wait to speak of the Lord's goodness until after he
heals my marriage. I want everyone to know that his grace is sufficient
for the pain of all things that he allows in our lives. I know that he
desires that my husband be an obedient Christian but even still the
grace that saved me has been sufficient to keep me. No matter what the Lord
may be allowing in your life in the way of trials please continue to
trust him and obey him. Please know that he can give peace in the storm,
though the waves rage he is there and 'underneath are the everlasting
arms'. The Holy Spirit is able to minister comfort, peace and rest at
All times- regardless of the situation. Don't forget- the offerings of
God are a broken and contrite heart. The depedence upon him that trials
bring are fruitful and powerful for the glory of God.
If you are in a 'like'position please feel free to contact me to be
encouraged in the Lord.

Testimony submitted to the Breadsite. To submit yours click here.