I Will Trust The Lord Forever-- a young Jewish girl saved and healed of Bulimia-Anorexia

Praise The Lord Our God For He Is Good And his Love and Grace endures
forever in Jesus name -Amen


My name is Yevgenia (Jane) I Currently Live In NY. I am 19 y/o I was Born In
Tashkent Uzbekistan to Russian Jewish Parents. In 1990 when I was 5.5 y/o we
immigrated to Israel in Israel I lived 7.5 years and at the age of 12.5
I moved to United States. And right when I came after about 2 months
living here I developed an Eating Disorder, which I struggled with for
4.5 years.

I been In and Out of Hospitals constantly nothing helped me.
My parents Took me everywhere the world offered me a Healing, But
everything ended with Disappointments and discouragement and depression.
Until One Day a Lady in a School told me about Jesus (and Me as A Jewish
person I didn’t wanted to do nothing with Jesus) at The time I
rejected the Lady But I let her pray for me and she took my Number and prayed
for me. Meanwhile 2 months passed from the time I meet her and I still
kept going to Hospitals every week and it was October 22, 2001 and in
the point my sickness was Just eating me out I was in horrible shape
(Weight 78lbs with potassium of 1.08) My doctor didn’t know what
else to do I was melting I was dieing nobody could do anything my
parents where very Horrified. They called that lady to come over and
pray with me although she was a Christian and they are Jewish who did not
want to hear nothing about Jesus but they still called her. She came to
my House with another Sister in Christ and they came up stairs to my
room and my door was locked I didn’t want Nobody, I didn’t want
anything at that point and I didn’t wanted to die either.

They knocked at my door and I opened when they saw me they almost fainted they
asked me if they can pray for me I said all right. they asked me if I want
to accept Jesus as my savior I said No. Then one of my Sisters in Christ
Said to me, want to live or die I said I want to live she said well only
Jesus can help you but i said I am Jewish and Jewish people don’t
believe in Jesus well she said they are Jewish For Jesus and that Jesus is
the Jewish messiah that was promised and not every body get that
revelation and I did. I said the prayer right away I started looking and
feeling Difference the same week I went to a church (Russian Christian Born
again Church in Brooklyn) yet I didn’t give my heart Completely to
Jesus at that point but I felt more comfortable with Christians Although I
didn’t understand that faith. In the end the pastor prayed and laid
his hands again on Me and I accepted Jesus Again and my heart was Still
Doubting because I still didn’t understand How can a Jewish person
believe in Jesus. Then that Lady Said to me you know what there is a
teacher and a missionary from Jews for Jesus and His wife Suffered just
what you going trough and she was delivered by faith through Christ after
her Husband Prayed for her. I said all right I’ll give it one more

And I went it was October 29, 2001 I Gave my heart and soul
completely to Jesus That day and immediately I got delivered I gained 30Lbs in
2 weeks from 78 to 110 people where amazed after they saw me. My doctor
couldn’t believe his eyes. I'm 2.5 years saved Now and I Love Jesus
With all My heart and soul and with everything I have I have been healed
and delivered from every symptoms and other sicknesses that Eating
disorder caused I mean its been a Process but From the point a person gives
his life to Jesus he would never stop working on Us in every aspect of
our life. We growing from glory to glory. but God perfects everything
for his Glory. He is the best happened for me And now I feel Like a
complete Jew because I know Jesus is My promised savior the (Messiah) that
was promised trough the prophets in the Old testament and No Body will
Take me Away from his Love Mercy and Grace.

"I Will Trust The Lord Forever" Isaiah 26:4

He is the only way and he is for every Body because salvation is Only
from The Lord. He is for both Jews and gentiles and I Praise God for
showing me that because Truth Doesn’t being Revealed to everybody and We
just blessed to be Gods Chosen Children.

May God Bless You All Indeed and Keep you.
In Jesus Name I Pray -Amen

With Love in Christ

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