Holy Spirit uses Deborah's music to touch a young man's life

I was seraching on the internet for gospel songs (I wanted to complie a
CD for a friend) and I came to a selection of yours. At first I was
going to pass but I deceided to listen.

I am so new, renew and fill with joy, peace and love in my spirit.
While listening to "I want to be like You". I was at work and I felt God's
presence around me. Tears began roll from my eyes, streaming down my
face. I can't controlled my self. I work in a newspaper company for my
country and it was so unprofessional to be in this way at the office.

I was born again when I was 17years. I know that God's power is real. I
am now 26yrs and I was telling myself that this 'God-thing' was over
for me. I was living in sin. I stole, cheat, lie and even was living with
different female friends at my apartment. I was sleeping around. I
started to party and curse. But deep down inside I wanted to be with
God...but keep telling myself that I sin too much for God to want me. I go to
church. Infront of church people I am known as a 'good-honest bro.' but
I know I was doing things that were wrong.

Truely after listen to your music my life has change. Even my friends
thinks that I am not the same person that they once know. Now I am Know
that God forgives and love us. I am thankful to Him for you. I am
living a holy life unto Him and I share the Word of God to many people that
i meet. I also am thankful for your divine worship songs that is full
of God's anointing and power. I make CDs after downlaoding your mp3s,
and give as gifts to people. You are truly blessed of God.

My life has never been the same since....Sis DEBORAH - GOD BLESS YOU

Love you with the love of Jesus

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