As a child raised in a Christian home...

As a child raised in a Christian home I was taught the gospel
story about the same time I learned by ABC's so the knowledge has
always been there but not the heart. I made the public profession around
1st grade and even went through baptism but having not followed Christ
commands I had not counted the cost and realized or made a committment
out of repentance. Since my profession included no committment, I
quickly turned to serving the flesh in the preteen years. Being a class
clown, talking like everyone else, and eventually drinking and pornography
became the norm as I aged. Christ was a part of life but I had no
interest in Him being my way of life.

Roll forward to now and at age 29 I
have come to the realization my life has been all about self and
nothing else. After a public committment to Christ on 4/8/07 on Easter I
still could not have peace in my heart. However, glory to God, He
finishes His work in us. Last night 4/15/07 in admitting my greatest sin
and the root of all my sin had been a love of this world and desire
to serve it. I admitted I was a sinner and that Christ was the only
forgiveness available for my sin. Accepting this truth and acknowledging
His death, burial, and resurrection I have committed my life to serving
the Creator and His Son and turned from living for self alone. In
Jesus name AMEN!!!

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