I have never been to seminary, but I’ve been to Calvary
"For many are called but few are chosen"
Matthew 20:16 KJV
I should have known that there was a greater purpose for my life. When
I was still but a whisper of life in my mother’s womb, my biological
father tried to kill us both by shooting her. By some miracle, we both
survived. And the life I am here to tell you about were allowed to
begin my life I had a pretty normal childhood, for America in the 70’s
and 80’s. My mother and the man she married (who I consider to be my
earthly father in every way) stayed together long after they had given up
on their own relationship. They stayed together for my sisters and I.
So, although it was a rather dysfunctional situation, we children were
well cared for and brought up well.
I found my real niche in life
through school athletics. Having many victories in track & field and football
gave me an identity that was consistent with every American boy’s
idea of success. It also gave me the considerable ego and pride that
naturally comes from being admired as an athlete in this society. To maint
ain the joy that I had gotten used to as a youth, I continued in the
sport of football as a coach after my school years were over. This fed
into my competitive spirit and love for the game. Football was a big
focal point of my life, from which I derived a great deal of satisfaction.
After some years in the military, drinking alcohol became a much sought
after diversion. I drank a lot, even after it landed me in jail. I
liked to drink and party and do all the things that young men are led to
believe is perfectly normal behavior. I was also a womanizer. My sexual
addiction led me into many situations I should not have been in. But,
like any other red-blooded American, I thought the more sex I was having
with the more women, the better a man I was. What a destructive lie we
allow this society to drill into our heads. Well as addictions go, I
always looked for more, and became addicted to pornography and the
philosophies regarding sexual behavior that pornography promotes.
Examples: Threesomes, A one time Homosexual experience. Once satan has you
willfully submitting to a stronghold in your life, you are right where
he wants you headed to your destruction.
I thought I was on top of my
game. I was 35, in good physical condition, had a smooth little sports
car, my own crib, a good job with my own office, a woman I loved, and
still the freedom to do whatever I wanted. One night I exercised that
right to do whatever I wanted. I lied to my woman about my plans, went out
to party and entertain my deviate desires. The decision I took that
night would, unbeknownst to me, shape the rest of my life. I woke up a
week later, unaware of who I was or where I was. I couldn’t speak, I
couldn’t eat, and I had tubes coming out of my body everywhere I looked.
I had just woken up from coma that I was not supposed to have been able
to wake up from. Evidently, on my exciting night out on the town, I had
been hit by an automobile while drunkenly running across the street to get
the attention of a male prostitute. The car hit me,
instantly breaking my leg, forcing the bones to protrude
through the skin in two places. Following the impact, the force threw
my body up and my head went through the windshield of the car. I was
then thrown back to the road, where my shoulder was dislocated and the
skin was scraped off of various parts of my body. It was after 3 o’clock
in the morning. God directed, the driver had a cell phone and called
for help and I was airlifted to the hospital and that his car was small.
My Girlfriend stuck by me through all of this and describes my
recovery, which I have very little recollection of. Suffice it to say that I
had to learn everything over again, from the most basic functions. I was
in the hospital for almost two months. I had to learn how to eat, use
the bathroom, talk, and think clearly and later how to walk again. After
I came home to my Girlfriend’s apartment following the hospital stay,
life was hard. I was happy to be home with her, but I hated the
limitations I had as a human being. She had to lift me in and out of my wheelchair
drive me to work, do all the cooking and cleaning that I was
unable to help with. It was so frustrating as a man who was used to
being "the man" in control of everything. I was brought to a place where I
realized that I had no control, and I realized that I never really had
control when I thought I did. It was another of life’s illusions.
During these times, I struggled within myself, trying to come to terms
with what had happened and what my identity was as a person, now that the
temporary façade of my former identity was taken from me in a mere
second. I fought off thoughts of suicide, wanting to live for my
children’s sake as well as my girlfriend. I thought about the things my
girlfriend had told me, how she had received emails from all over the world,
parts of Africa and the Middle East, from people who were praying for
me while I was in a coma. Complete strangers…praying for me. I thought
about the rainbow that she had seen that first day as she drove
across the bridge towards the hospital. She said it was the biggest,
boldest rainbow she had ever seen. It stretched from ground to ground over
the entire city of Tampa, the hospital being roughly right at the
center point of the rainbow. She had cried when she saw it, not because she
was sad, but because she knew that it was her sign from Jesus Christ
that He was going to hold me in His arms, it was going to be okay.
As I thought about all these, I began to ask Lord Jesus why I was still here.
I talked to Him often, yelled at Him sometimes, told Him all my
frustrations, and asked Him to help me know what it all meant. I asked Him
every day it seemed. One miraculous morning I woke up and all the answers
were there. I just knew. Lord Jesus had completely emptied me of all
the clutter that I had accumulated in my life, He stripped it all away,
the house, the car, the perfect health, the ego, the deviate lifestyle,
and the addictions…all my earthly crutches. He took back to my
real self, the essence of who I really was on the inside…and then He
filled up the emptiness of my heart with all the Love that He could give
me. I felt such indescribable joy, such peace, and such a clear sense
of purpose. And I have been singing His praises ever since. I knew
almost instantly that my purpose was to talk to others about Lord Jesus
Christ; and to share with others how I’ve
come to learn that we are victims of a huge deception, and that the
Truth is available to all of us. Whether working through prison ministry
or whatever path Lord Jesus chooses to lead me, I will follow and share
with as many as I can the amazing Truth of the Gospel. An athlete at
heart, I am still running the race, Lord Jesus is the rabbit, and I will
follow Him wherever He leads me and I know that my victory awaits me
in Heaven.
Although I am still left with a handicapped arm, the rest of
my body has been healed: and I have faith that when I am ready, the arm
will be healed as well. According to the values of the world, I may
have lost a lot. But I received so much more than I ever thought possible.
And I’ve never been happier in my life. I am a living testimony to
the Love of our Creator. There is a story I have heard about me, when I
was quite small, walking down the street with my family, and a man of
God stopping to tell me that I was going to be a preacher someday. "
All things work together for good of those who love the Lord." Romans
8:28 I took a few dead ends roads along the way, but my Father led me
If you honesty would like to change your life and know without a doubt
that when you leave this world you will spend eternity with the Lord in
If your looking for some answers to some of the questions most people
have in this world like.
What will make me happy?
Why was I born?
What do I want in my life?
What God do I serve?
False God’s people serve
Alcohol, Coveting, Drug Abuse, Lust, Fear, Hate, self-centeredness,
Sexual Immorality, Temptation, Worry, Wealth, Power, Money, Adultery,
Anger, Depression, Evil Desires, Hot temper, Homosexuality, Trials.
This world tells you that it is all about you. A good education with
tons of friends and a great job with lots of money will make you happy. I
beg to differ lots of people with lots of money are on trial or in
prison. Another good example just look at all the mess involved with the
rich people in Hollywood Ca. No matter how much money you make and how
many friends you have if you don’t have a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ before death you’re in trouble. The years on earth are
minimal compared to eternity, Lord Jesus Christ did not willingly give His
earthly life for us all to give us religion; Jesus willfully died to
give us the opportunity to have a personal relationship with God the
Father through the Son [Jesus Christ] and by the power of the Holy Spirit
whom God will send to dwell in each believer. Well, it happened to me,
so the Word of God must be true. Every person in this world is given
free will to do, and believe whatever they want, because Lord Jesus Ch
rist doesn’t want robots He wants followers in every who Love Him,
and believe by obeying the Word of God. In Romans 12:2 KJV. It totally
explains when Christians are born again by the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God.
Who can enter the gates of Heaven?
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3 KJV.
Well that also explains me. This world can give me nothing, and I
don’t want anything this world offers as important, because the Lord Jesus
Christ is all I need, and can take care of anything I need. I’m still
here because the Lord Jesus Christ was not done with me, and now I’m
ready to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with everything that I can
[Complete Surrender]. The sooner that you stop getting upset over the things
that you can not control, and move your focus away from yourself, and
completely open your body, soul, and spirit to Christ, Jesus only then
you will get all the answers you are looking for. Your body, soul and
spirit must be open to understand the Word of God. When everything is open
then your eyes will open to the Word of God. I wish you the best, and I
hope that you give Jesus a honest chance, because nobody can run from
Jesus Christ forever and when you finally meet Jesus Christ face to
The question is what will He say?
1) Well done my good and faithful servant, you may enter My Kingdom.
2) Away from Me, you detest Me. I do not know you, and He will cast you
into the gates of Hell into utter Darkness forever.
Here is a prayer you may like to say…
"Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for your mercy.
I believe Christ died for my sins. I repent of my sins and I ask your
forgiveness. I am willing to turn from my sins and my old way of life
and live for you. I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my heart as my
personal savoir and Lord. I will follow and obey Jesus Christ, by your
grace, making Him the Lord of my life, from this day forward. Amen.
Testimony submitted to the Breadsite. To submit yours click here.