The Greatest Gift of All

Dear reader, my name is René (34yrs old, now 1998), I live in the Gouvernmental city; The Hague, in The Netherlands. Unfortunetly, I got a spinal-muscle disseas called SMA type II, therefor I must use an electric wheelchair to get around. I will tell you how I became known with the Gospel of Christ.

I had never read a bible. We were catholic in our family and we never spoke about the gospel or God. From my 16th I had a CB-radio and talked with people in my neighbourhood (near The Hague and Rotterdam). Suddenly I heard somebody witnessing about Christ, calling himself the 27MC Preacher. I thought it was very funny, and not knowing the purpose of this guy, I tried to test him. Later we met, and had a 2 hour conversation. He told me he was healed of a huge kidney stone, by Jesus, when he was 17 years old. I thought by myself : "fine for him, not for me", but I kept in contact with him and became friends.

Half a year later I got my own appartment with 24hours care, and I moved from my mom's home. Then a bad feeling depressed me, and I was scared to be left behind by everybody, and that nobody would visit me. Then it was easter and on the TV there was a film about the life of Jesus of Nazareth by Franco Zeffarelli. At the end there was the crusifiction and the film ended, ... but the film for me went on! Then God showed me a vision of a cross before my eyes, and when I looked up with spiritual eyes I saw a bruised Jesus hanging there. A voice in my head (or outside, I don't know) said: "I am here for you!" "I am here for everyone".This means in other words: "I died for your sins, and for all". But in some way this I could not understand properly for my heart was hard. Then Jesus said to me: "When I give you, an inch, of what I took on me, you'll surely die". I still could not understand it. Then I don't know what I experienced but a heavy load I could not bear for a second came down on me. I cried please ...take it away, I then cried out loud in tears of knowing I felt short of the glory of God.

And knowing I was a sinner too. Then I repented in my heart of my sinful state, and gave my life over to Jesus, to Him that did everything for me, for us. Then the Lord Jesus spoke again from heaven to me (as He did to the apostle Paul on the way to Damascus, acts chapter 9) and gave me these words of encouragement and promise, while I never had heard or read them before: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (you can find them in Hebrew 13 verse 5, and in Joshua 1 verse 5). God called me through Jesus Christ and revealed me why His only Son had to suffer on the cross, on good friday 17 april 1992 and I was born again by the Spirit of God. Also the Lord healed my heart totaly from the fear to be left alone by people.

That's my alive today testimony, Praise God. This all happened in a few minutes, and after that I stayed in catholic church. But I knew, that there were things not right in R.C.C. church. So I got a bible and started to read: Romans (I never read anything like this) John chapter 3, Revelation, Genesis, etc., Jesus the good sheppard, Jesus the judge who will destroy the ungodly and wicked. The "I am" eternal. God the Holy Spirit gave me a great hunger to read Gods Holy Word. Then I read Revelation chapter 18 and God said: "Go out of catholic church. I obeyed. Then I read, read, read.

A preacher from Germany crossed my path, and baptised me in a swimming pool by immersion. A great event full of spiritual power of the Holy Ghost. The preacher prayed also for the receiving of the 'baptism of the Holy Spirit'. About 2 weeks later when I was praying in the church at a prayer hour, I experienced this receiving of the 'baptism of the Holy Spirit' and began to speak/pray in 'other tongues as the spirit gives utterance'. I'm just searching for Gods power as seen in the book of Acts; seeking the Lord daily in prayer.

The most important thing at the moment for us is to live a sanctified life, 'cause Jesus will take up His Church without a spot or wrinkle; all who are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, who laid down their lives at Golgotha. Then the Holy Spirit will renew us from within and people in our surrounding will see Jesus in us. Use your time wisely, 'cause Yeshua is standing in front of our door, with an Iron rod to judge the world, and soon will remove His Church from this earth to meet Him in the clouds. When I read about the Apostles; and what they did, I hope God will use me as His servant too, to do His works through me. God bless you all, through Jesus Christ
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