Out of control - Man saved from death in major accident

In 1986 I was driving a gasoline truck with 2500 gallons onboard. A drunk driver stopped crossways in the road in front of me. I hit him, My truck rolled over the tanks ruptured and it burst into flames.

I was upside down in a river of burning gasoline, trapped inside fighting to find a way out. I lost my breath, and by reaction and drew flames into my nose. That was the point I knew I was dead. A calming peace came over me as I began to reflect on my life. I thought of my wife & 2 small sons, What would they do without me? It was then that I thought, "God Please Don't Let Me Die".

Instantly the flames parted & there was fresh air to breathe. I slid out into a path of raw gasoline that was not burning. There were flames on both sides of me, They were reported to be 80-100 feet high from by standers.

I spent 23 days in the U.Va burn center. During the exams on my eyes, They would ask me "What Do You See", I kept telling them I see a cross. Due to that the Doctors suspected I was blind & told my family so.

When I could finally open my eyes, I showed them the tiny little cross above the door. Through the years it had been painted so many times it was barely visible. That's my miracle the link below will take you to my site where there is a photo of the truck. That's my miracle the link below will take you to my site where there is a photo of the truck. I was not a Christian at the time and the records of the state police have the same testimony. This is the statement I gave the officer. And it was recorded on the accident report. In Christ: Pastor Will
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