Jesus means everything to me
Jesus means everything to me. I was Born Again at the age of 7 years old. I came from an abused neglected family that were atheist. I heard yelling and screaming and was hit. My next door neighbors had 2 adopted children and a beautiful clean house and they loved Jesus.. One sunday I put on my best clothes and asked them If I can go to church with them..I loved it. It was quiet. I felt the love of God. One day when I was at Sunday school Mrs. Mackinnon my next door neighbor asked me. "Grace do you want Jesus in Your heart?" I said YES. She told me to go on my knees. I even remember the color of the rug- Avacodo Green. I prayed the sinners prayer and started to cry. I felt a big release in my life. I had a rough life but like Footprints, He was with me and still is. I am now a Nurse and God uses me in the most profound way all over. I am happily married to a Godly man. All of my sons are Born again. God has blessed me abundantly and I will serve Him as long as I am alive on this earth. I thank God for all He has done for me.