In 1991 I was felt I had no purpose in life. There were nothing fulfilling in my marriage any more. I love my husband and two children dearly and had a wonderful relation with them, but I was feeling empty and alone. I felt that no one understood me and what I was going through. I could not explained how or what I was feeling.
I thought I was going out of my mind and needed help. I approached my husband about seeking help which he could not understand and was hurt.
I went to my husband and said maybe we needed to separate because the emptiness is not going away and I could not rationalize how and what I was feeling. He was so choked up with emotions that he could not respond and just shook his head.
The next day I had promised my sister that I would attend a revival in her Church and went. The minister preached about the faithfulness of God and how He meets our every need and it does not cost us anything. Just acknowledge that we are sinners, repent and ask Him to come in and reign in us.
I don't know how I got to the altar, and could not remember walking or running, but was I on my knees crying out to Him.
I need Jesus more than the air that I was breathing and knew then without Him in my life I was lost. Instantly the void that I had for the last six months was filled with a powerful sense of purpose. An overpowering feeling of love and comfort flowed through me.
I went home and saw my husband, children and our relationship as the most beautiful and fulfilling thing in this whole world and knew that I had more than enough love, compassion, strength, peace, joy to see us through anything. The words in the bible came alive to me and the more I poured out to Him the more He filled me.
Words cannot describe the love God has for us.
But the Bible states in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting Life".
My prayer is that the world would come to believe and receive by grace through faith His precious gift of salvation. I now start my day seeking him for direction and purpose for that day. I've had my share of trials, but just as He promised, He would never leave nor forsake us.