I am working with a Christian organisation called Youth With A mission the biggest Protestant organisation in the world. This is a voulntary organisation no one gets any salary but look to God for the provision.God never failed us thus far. I am so happy to serve God for full time.
I was saved in the year 1991 when I was 15.I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. I was very strong in my faith so I persecuted Chriatians who came to my village to share God's love. I tore a lot of Christian literature and was doing physical excercise to beat up Christians.
I was involved in a militant Hindu organisation called RSS-Rashtria Swamsevak Sangh (means National Voulnteer Movemant) for 3 years and activly participated. But a group of Christians were praying for me behind the scene. Oneday a friend of mine told me why should I waste my time and encouraged me to join a school which he attended. So I decided to go with my mother's permission I joined the school. Soon I came to know it was a Bible college. I tried to runaway but it was God who kept me there and I was saved there and was baptised in the year 1991. After my Bachelor in Theology studies I joined in the same college as teaching faculty. Next year I went to do My Master in Divinity in a Seminary. Soon I was graduated and joined in YWAM(Youth With A Mission). Now I am serving God by teaching, preaching and evangelism.
My family is not saved except my Mom. Please pray for them. I have a great desire in my life is to see India reached with the Gospel. I am praying to God for the same. I beleive God would use me for His glory to change Million's destimy. Please pray for me.