Come Unto Me

Words by Nathaniel Norton Music by George C. Stebbins

'"Come unto Me!' it is the Saviour's voice—
The Lord of life, who bids thy heart rejoice.”

A man of culture and of extensive reading had given a good deal of thought to the subject of Christianity, but had never acknowledged himself a Christian until one evening at the close of an after-meeting in services conducted by Dr. George F. Pentecost in his own church in Brooklyn. Then he arose and made a public confession of Christ as his Saviour. That night, on his return home, he sat down and wrote the words of this hymn. The next day they were handed to Mr. Stebbins, who was then assisting Dr. Pentecost. Very soon afterward the hymn was sung in the meetings that were still in progress. It at once met with general favor, and for many years was used as a special song of invitation in our meetings, as well as by other evangelists in theirs.